Shri Anil Kumar
Chief Postmaster General,
By Regd Punjab
Circle, Chandigarh-160017.
No. AIAPC/Punjab/30/2019 Dated
at Shahpur Kandi T/S the 15.05.2019
Sub: - Regarding
exemption from duty on next day of poll to postal staff engaged for election duties
Respected Sir,
This association is invited your kind attention that
many postal staff have been attached with District Election Commission and have
been assigned duties as Presiding Officers, Polling Officers, Micro Observers
and even Counting Officers in many divisions. Dr S. Karuna Raju Hon’ble Chief
Election Officer, Punjab has declared that if Presiding & Polling Officers
do not attend their offices on next day of poll i.e. on 20.05.2019, may not be
treated as absent.{ http://updatepunjab.com/polling-officer-holiday-on-20-may/}
& News published in The Ajit Bureau dated 14.05.2019).
So, this
association is also requested to your goodself to issue instructions to all
division heads to exempt from duties of officials engaged for election duties
for day after election i.e. 20.05.2019 and may kindly be treated on duty as per
instructions of ECI.
Thanking you in anticipation sir!
Yours faithfully,