
Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Most most important : Instructions for executing End of Year (EOY) in CBS post offices/CPCs

Most most important : Instructions for executing End of Year (EOY) in CBS post offices/CPCs

Respected Sir/Madam, 

The competent authority has taken following decisions for executing End of Year (EOY) activities for 2016-17 in CBS Post Offices/CPCs:-

  1. 1. On 1.4.2017, no CBS Post Office will do any transaction but staff working on CBS will attend post office and follow instructions (as and when ) issued by CEPT Team Chennai. 
(A public notice should be put on the notice board of all CBS Post Offices that due to End of Year, no transaction will be accepted on01.04.2017 and Monthly/Quarterly Interest of MIS/SCSS if due on 1st April 2017 will be paid on 03.04.2017. ATMs will be operational  on 01/04/2017). Salary & Pension uploads should be done after completion of EOD for 1st April 2017

2.CBS Post Offices should ensure that no unverified account or modification in  accounts of SB/PPF/SSA/NSS-87/NSS-92 remains unverified as interest is not calculated for any account if any modification is unverified, as on 31/03/2017. Concerned staff should be alerted so that such lapses may be avoided.

3.   All CBS Post Offices, on 31.3.2017, should do transactions latest up to  1700 hours and verify all the transactions simultaneously so that there may be no Blocking Transactions at 1700 hours. All CBS Post Offices should complete HISCOD latest by 1800 hours, except those SOLs which await clearing information from the respective HOs. CPCs should monitor this activity and any blocking validation should be reported to FSI Helpdesk and CEPT Team, immediately on noticing so that solution can be provided well in time. 

4. CBS Head Post Office dealing with clearing house, should intimate cheque clearing intimation of the cheques cleared on31.03.2017 to other linked CBS HOs and SOs  well in time on 31.03.2017 either over mail or phone so that credit/debit can be afforded well in time.  Late clearance activity and corresponding credits/debits should be handled by the clearing house POs without any delay. (Please note that in case of PPF Accounts maturing on 31.03.2017, cheque cleared before 31.03.2017 will not be allowed to be credited after 31.03.2017)

5. CEPT FSI Team will be disabling certain menus according to the requirements during EOY Batch execution to control resource utilisation; CPCs will be kept informed from time-to-time on this and should coordinate with their SOLs on this exercise.

5. Reports regarding Interest credited in SB/SSA/PPF/NSS-87 and NSS-92 accounts of a CBS post office, Silent Account maintenance Fee charged and Total number of accounts marked as silent (total amount and accounts  for a Post Office and not account-wise) will be intimated through CPCs by the end of first week of April 2017.

6.  All the concerned teams who are part of the EOY activity (CPC SPOCs, EOD Support Team, CEPT Team) should be available on2nd April, 2017 and ensure that EOY activity are completed smoothly. 

Instructions for CPCs

1. CPCs should call post offices under their jurisdiction on 31.03.2017, help in clearing blocking validations and ensure smooth completion of HISCOD.
2.  HSCOD will be executed by CEPT team centrally; CPC teams should be available till HSCOD is completed for all their respective SOLs. 

3. All CPCs will remain open during the night of 31.03.2017 and duties of staff should be notified in shifts.

Circles/Regions/Divisions should ensure that these instructions are followed scrupulously  by all CBS Post Offices and CPCs.

With regards,

Sachin Kishore
Director (CBS)
Sansad Marg,
Dak Bhavan

1 अप्रैल से बदल जाएंगे इनकम टैक्स (INCOME TAX) से जुड़े ये 10 नियम

पिछले बुधवार को लोकसभा ने वित्त विधेयक पास कर दिया. इसी के साथ ही बजट संबंधी सत्र 2017-18 की प्रक्रिया पूरी हो गई. चूंकि वित्त विधेयक, धन-संबंधी विधेयक होता है, इसलिए इसे सिर्फ लोकसभा द्वारा पास किया जाना ज़रूरी होता है, और राज्यसभा से पारित करवाने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती. 1 अप्रैल से शुरू हो रहे नए वित्त वर्ष के साथ ही इनकम टैक्स (Income Tax) से जुड़े कुछ खास नियमों में बदलाव हो जाएगा. वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली ने बजट 2017 में इनकम टैक्स में कई बदलावों की भी घोषणा की थी. वित्त विधेयक में कुछ बदलावों को लोकसभा ने अपनी मंजूरी दे दी है. ऐसे में आप भी जान लीजिए कि नए वित्त वर्ष यानी 1 अप्रैल से क्या कुछ बदलने वाला है:
1. ढाई लाख से 5 लाख रुपये के बीच की इनकम वालों का टैक्स 10 फीसद से घटाकर 5 फीसदी कर दिया जाएगा. हालांकि, सेक्शन 87ए के तहत मिलने वाली 5000 रुपये की छूट को घटाकर 2500 रुपये कर दी गई है. इतना ही नहीं, जिन आयकरदाताओं की आय 3.5 लाख रुपये से ऊपर है उनके लिए कोई छूट नहीं है. इसका मतलब यह होगा कि 3 से 5 लाख रुपए की करयोग्य आय वालों को 7,700 रुपए की बचत होगी, जबकि 5 से 50 लाख रुपए टैक्‍सेबल इनकम वालों को 12,900 रुपए की बचत होगी.
2. 50 लाख से लेकर एक करोड़ रुपए तक की वार्षिक आय वाले लोगों को 10 प्रतिशत सरचार्ज देना होगा. (वहीं एक करोड़ रुपए सालाना इनकम वाले लोगों को पहले की ही तरह 15 प्रतिशत सरचार्ज देना होगा.)
3. पांच लाख रुपए की सालाना आय (व्यावसायिक इनकम के अलावा) वाले व्‍यक्तिगत करदाताओं के लिए सुविधा के लिए टैक्‍स रिटर्न फाइल करने के लिए एक पेज का फॉर्म पेश किया जाएगा.
4. राजीव गांधी इक्विटी सेविंग स्‍कीम में निवेश पर आकलन वर्ष 2018-19 के लिए किसी भी प्रकार का कर लाभ नहीं मिलेगा. इस टैक्‍स सेविंग स्‍कीम की घोषणा वित्‍त वर्ष 2012-13 में की गई थी. यह योजना प्रतिभूति बाजार में पहली बार निवेश करने वाले निवेशकों को प्रोत्‍साहित करने के लिए शुरू की गई थी.
5. यदि सर्च ऑपरेशन के दौरान 50 लाख रुपए से अधिक की अघोषित आय या संपत्ति का पता चलता है तो आयकर अधिकारी पिछले 10 साल के कर मामलों को दोबारा खोल सकते हैं. वर्तमान में कर अधिकारियों को पिछले छह साल के दस्‍तावेजों की ही छानबीन करने का अधिकार हासिल है. समय पर अपना रिटर्न फाइल नहीं करने वाले करदाताओं को आकलन वर्ष 2018-19 के लिए 10,000 रुपए तक का जुर्माना देना पड़ सकता है. हालांकि, यदि किसी व्‍यक्ति की कुल आय 5 लाख रुपए से अधिक नहीं है, तो इस धारा के तहत उस पर अधिक‍तम जुर्माने की राशि 1,000 रुपए से अधिक नहीं होगी.

6. लांग टर्म गेन के लिए किसी संपत्ति के होल्डिंग पीरियड को 3 साल से घटाकर अब 2 साल कर दिया गया है. यदि कोई व्‍यक्ति संपत्ति खरीदकर उसे 2 साल के भीतर ही बेच देता है तो उसे इस पर होने वाले लाभ पर शॉर्ट टर्म कैपिटल गेन टैक्‍स देना होगा. यदि इस संपत्ति की बिक्री खरीदने की तारीख से दो साल बाद की जाती है तो उस पर कोई टैक्‍स देय नहीं होगा.
7. सरकार ने किराये पर घर देने वालों के कर लाभ में कटौती कर दी है. मौजूदा कर कानून के मुताबिक किराये पर दी गई संपत्ति के लिए करदाता रेंटल इनकम को समायोजित करने के बाद होम लोन पर चुकाए जाने वाले संपूर्ण ब्‍याज पर टैक्‍स कटौती का लाभ ले सकता है. अब नए नियम के मुताबिक खुद के रहने वाले मकान के लिए होम लोन पर ब्‍याज के भुगतान में 2 लाख रुपए पर टैक्‍स कटौती का लाभ मिलेगा लेकिन रेंट पर दी गई प्रॉपर्टी के लिए करदाता रेंटल इनकम एडजस्‍ट करने के बाद प्रतिवर्ष केवल 2 लाख रुपए पर ही टैक्‍स लाभ हासिल कर सकेगा. दो लाख रुपए से अधिक की राशि को अगले आठ असेसमेंट वर्षों तक आगे ले जाया जा सकेगा.
8. प्रतिमाह 50,000 रुपए से अधिक के किराये का भुगतान करने वाले व्‍यक्ति को अब 5 प्रतिशत टीडीएस (स्रोत कर कर) काटना होगा. कर विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि इस कदम से ऐसे व्‍यक्ति जिनकी रेंटल इनकम बहुत अधिक है, वो कर के दायरे में आ जाएंगे. यह नियम एक जून 2017 से प्रभावी होगा.
9. नेशनल पेंशन सिस्‍टम (एनपीएस) से आंशिक निकासी/आहरण पर कोई टैक्‍स नहीं लगेगा. प्रस्‍तावित बदलावों के अनुसार, एनपीएस सब्‍सक्राइबर्स अपने अंशदान का 25 प्रतिशत हिस्‍सा रिटायरमेंट से पहले आपातकालीन स्थिति में निकाल सकेंगे. यह याद रखें कि रिटायरमेंट पर कुल फंड का 40 प्रतिशत हिस्‍सा ही कर मुक्त होता है.
10. एक जुलाई से पैन कार्ड बनवाने और इनकम टैक्‍स दाखिल करने के लिए आधार नंबर अनिवार्य होगा. सरकार ने कालेधन की रोकथाम के लिए नकद लेनदेन की सीमा भी 3 से घटाकर अब 2 लाख रुपए कर दी गई है. यदि कोई व्‍यक्ति दो लाख रुपए से अधिक का लेनदेन करते पाया जाता है तो उसे इस सीमा से अधिक राशि पर 100 प्रतिशत जुर्माना देना होगा.
The Lok Sabha on Wednesday passed the Finance Bill, completing the budgetary exercise for 2017-18. Since the Finance Bill is a Money Bill, it needs only to be cleared by the Lok Sabha. Starting from April 1, 2017, some income tax laws will change. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had announced a number of income tax changes in Budget 2017. In addition, some amendments were also introduced in the Finance Bill that was passed by the Lok Sabha. Here are some of the changes that income tax payers should note:
1) The tax rate on income between Rs. 2.5 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh will get halved to 5 per cent from 10 per cent. However, rebate under Section 87A gets reduced from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 2,500. And no rebate will be applicable for taxpayers having income above Rs. 3.5 lakh. This means tax savings of up to Rs. 7,700 for those with a taxable income between Rs. 3 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh. And for persons with taxable income between Rs. 5 lakh and Rs. 50 lakh, tax savings of Rs. 12,900.
2) A 10 per cent surcharge will be applicable for individuals having income ranging from Rs. 50 lakh to Rs. 1 crore (existing surcharge of 15 per cent will remain the same for individuals having income above Rs. 1 crore.)
3) A simple one-page form will be introduced for filing tax return for individuals having a taxable income up to Rs. 5 lakh other than business income.
4) No deduction will be allowed for investment in Rajiv Gandhi Equity Saving Scheme from Assessment Year 2018-19. This tax-saving scheme, announced in the Union Budget for financial year 2012-13, was designed exclusively for the first-time individual investors in the securities market with gross total income below a certain limit.
5) Income tax officials can reopen tax cases for up to 10 years if search operations reveal undisclosed income and assets of over Rs. 50 lakh. Currently, tax officers can go back up to six years to scrutinise the books of accounts of assessees. Income Tax payers who do not file their returns on time will have to shell out a penalty of up to Rs. 10,000 from Assessment Year 2018-19. However, if the total income of the person does not exceed Rs. 5 lakh, the fee payable under this section shall not exceed Rs. 1,000.
6) The holding period of a property for qualifying as long-term gains will be reduced to two years, from three years. This will help save tax if a property is sold within two years of buying. The profit from the transaction will be treated as short-term capital gains and will be taxed according to the slab rate applicable to him/her.
7) The government has cut down tax benefits borrowers enjoyed on properties let out on rent. As per current tax laws, for properties rented out, a borrower could deduct the entire interest paid on home loan after adjusting for the rental income. On the other hand, borrowers of self-occupied properties get a deduction of Rs. 2 lakh on interest repayment on home loan.
But on rented properties, the borrower can only claim a deduction of up to Rs. 2 lakh per year after adjusting for the rental income. And the amount above Rs. 2 lakh can be carried forward for eight assessment years. Since the interest component of home loan repaid in initial years is higher, experts say that the borrower may not be able to fully adjust the interest paid as deduction even in subsequent years.
8) Individuals will be required to deduct a 5 per cent TDS (tax deducted at source) for rental payments above Rs. 50,000 per month. Tax experts say that the move will ensure that persons who get a large rental income come into the tax net. It will be effective from June 1, 2017.
9) Partial withdrawals from National Pension System (NPS) will not attract tax. According to the proposed changes, NPS subscribers can withdraw 25 per cent of their contribution to the corpus for emergencies before retirement. Remember that withdrawal of 40 per cent of the corpus is tax-free on retirement.
10) Aadhaar number will be a must while applying for PAN as well as filing of income tax returns from July 1. To curb black money, the limit on cash transactions has been set at Rs. 2 lakh. The Finance Bill had originally proposed the cap at Rs. 3 lakh. If a person receives any sum in contravention of the tax law, he/she will be liable to pay, by way of penalty, a sum equal to the amount.


Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Aadhaar Card Can't Be Mandatory For Government's Welfare Schemes: Supreme Court

Government can't be stopped from using Aadhaar card in schemes like opening of bank accounts.
NEW DELHI: Aadhaar cannot be mandatory for central welfare schemes, the Supreme Court said today, but added that it cannot stop the government from linking the 12-digit identification number to the opening of bank accounts or filing of tax returns.

The government recently made it mandatory for citizens to produce the 12-digit Aadhaar number for benefits under nearly three dozen central schemes including free mid-day meals for schoolchildren. Aadhaar was also made compulsory for scholarships and other schemes for backward castes and the disabled. Aadhaar cards are mandatory for subsidized cooking gas and foodgrains.

The government has said it will enable people to get their biometric identity documents by June 30.

Aadhaar cards will also be needed for filing tax returns - a move that Finance Minister Arun Jaitley says will check tax evasion.

The Supreme Court today said it cannot stop the government from doing so but reiterated its earlier order that Aadhaar cannot be mandatory for people to benefits under official welfare schemes.

Last week, responding to opposition criticism in parliament, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had said that Aadhaar may soon become the only card required to identify a person, replacing Voter IDs and PAN or Permanent Account Number. He said as many as 98 per cent or 108 crore people have Aadhaar numbers.

The government has said that until all beneficiaries are assigned Aadhaar cards, subsidized foodgrain will be provided on ration cards and Aadhaar enrolment slips or a copy of an applicant's request for Aadhaar enrolment.

The centre has asked states to link Aadhaar numbers with the ration card or with bank accounts for cash transfer of food subsidy.

The use of Aadhaar as the identity document for benefits or subsidies simplifies delivery and helps make the system more transparent and efficient, the government says.

7th Pay Commission: Lavasa panel might give report to FM today

"The panel's work is in its final stages," said a senior officer

A panel headed by former finance secretary Ashok Lavasa, tasked with examining the 7th Pay Commission (7th CPC) recommendations on allowances, might have its final meeting on Tuesday, followed by its report going to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Business Standard has learnt.

The matter will then go to the Union Cabinet, on revised allowances for 4.7 million employees.

Officials said most of the work on the report was complete. "The panel's work is in its final stages," said a senior officer.

If the minister accepts the report, it will only be a matter of days before the Cabinet takes up the matter. It is understood the Centre wants to give the revised allowances from early 2017-18.

In late June last year, after implementing the CPC proposals on salary and pension, Jaitley had announced the Lavasa panel would examine the suggestions on allowances. It had time till October but the report got delayed -- the CPC wanted a number of the allowances to be abolished or subsumed, while employee unions were opposed.

Some of the allowances the CPC had suggested be done away or subsumed were an acting allowance, assisting cashier allowance, cycle allowance, condiment allowance, entertainment allowances for the cabinet secretary, flying squad allowance, haircutting allowance, rajbhasha allowance, rajdhani allowance, robe allowance, secret allowance, shoe allowance, shorthand allowance, soap toilet allowance, spectacle allowance, Sunderban allowance, uniform allowance, vigilance allowance and washing allowance.

Of 196 allowances, the CPC report had recommended abolition of 52 and subsuming of another 36 into larger existing ones. A deferment on revising of allowances meant that as opposed to a burden of Rs 1.02 lakh crore as envisaged by the CPC, the government had provisioned for Rs 84,933 crore in 2016-17 for pay and pension, including Rs 12,000 crore in arrears.

There are other recommendations on allowances the panel is examining. These include a change in the present system of accounting, wherein pay and allowances are clubbed. The CPC recommended a separate object head for budgeting and accounting be used to record the expenditure.

Source:- Business standard

Death Claim settled within 20 days from the date of receipt


ANSWERED ON: 27.03.2017.

Death Claims
Will the Minister of LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) proposes to settle PF money claimed after death of an employee within seven days from 20 days at present;
(b)if so, the details thereof;
(c)whether all the death cases claims will be given top priority and officers in charge at all EPF offices will personally monitor such claims on day-to-day basis; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?

(a) & (b): As per paragraph 72(7) of the Employees’ Provident Funds (EPF) Scheme, 1952, the claim complete in all respects submitted along with the requisite documents shall be settled and benefit amount paid to the beneficiaries within 20 days from the date of its receipt by the Commissioner. The field offices of Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) have been directed to settle claims in cases of deaths within seven days of receipt of such claims.

(c) & (d): Yes, Madam. Public Relation Officer and officials in the Facilitation Centres of EPFO have been instructed to scrutinise the claim forms received in respect of death cases and guide the claimants for submission of all required documents in one go only. An official has been specially earmarked to handle such claims. Regional Provident Fund Commissioners have been directed to personally monitor the death cases on day-to-day basis.

More than 2 dozen companies want collaboration with India Post Payments Bank

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
27-March-2017 12:45 IST

More than 2 dozen companies want collaboration with India Post Payments Bank-Manoj Sinha 

Government has said that there are many companies who have approached the Department of Posts for collaboration with India Post Payments Bank. Replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha, the Minister of Communications Shri Manoj Sinha said that while the Department is in various stages of discussions with them, decision on formal partnerships will be taken after carefully evaluating the entire value proposition that they propose for the common man. The India Post Payments Bank had launched its two branches in Raipur (Chhattisgarh) and Ranchi (Jharkhand) on 30/01/2017 with basic products and banking services in partnership with Punjab National Bank.

Shri Sinha also said that the Payments Banks are different from regular Banks in the following fundamental ways as per RBI guidelines for Licensing of Payments Banks:

(i) Payment Banks are not allowed to undertake lending activities directly. It can accept demand deposits only that is savings and current accounts and will initially be restricted to holding a maximum balance of Rs. 100,000(Rupees one lakh only) per individual customer.

(ii) Payment Banks cannot accept Non Resident Indian (NRI) deposits.

(iii) The Payment Banks cannot set up subsidiaries to undertake non banking financial services activities.

A list of companies interested in partnering with India Post Payments Bank is attached at Annexure


Annexure A
List companies keen to partner with India Post Payments Bank.
YES Bank
Union Bank
Punjab National Bank
IDBI Bank (Industrial Development Bank of India)
SBI (State Bank of India)
Bank of Baroda
IDFC Bank (Industrial development finance company)
Deutshe Bank
Barclays Bank
NABARD (National Bank For Agriculture & Rural Development)
HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)
Allahabad Bank
Indian Overseas Bank
Dena Bank
FIA (Financial Inclusion)
Kotak Mahindra Bank
United Bank of India
HDFC Life (Housing Development Finance Corporation)
Royal Sundaram
PNB Metlife (Punjab National Bank)
ICICI Lombard ( Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank)
ICICI Prudential ( Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank)
Bajaj Allianz Life

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

The fact behind non-holding of DPC for Sr. Postmaster

The TeamAIAPC has already been informed orally during several visits at the Directorate that the posts of Sr. Postmaster are yet to be carved out owing to non-finalisation of revised PS Gr-B Rules. Our cadre came into existence six years back but it is quite proven injustice to us that the Department is taking too much time for execution of the RR for Sr. Postmasters. That is why AIAPC is fighting case at CAT, Jaipur since Aug-2016 and the Department is taking time to file reply again and again. Dear friends, please go through the views of the DOP on Sr. Postmaster written to the AIAPC.

You all will agree that it is a tough struggle. Therefore, friends, don’t think about others. Think about the future of your cadre only. Others will not care your cadre because they are not going to be promoted to Sr. Postmaster. Hence continue fighting under the umbrella of AIAPC.



Cadre Restructuring of the Postmaster Cadre

AIAPC requests  again to the Directorate regarding restructuring of Postmaster Cadre on ungent basis


Cadre Restructuring of Postmaster Cadre

Cadre Restructuring of Postmaster Cadre will be considered at last, i.e. after restructuring of every cadre: The Directorate reiterates it again in reply of our letter no. No. AIAPC-31/Corr/2016-17   Dated at Jaipur- 302003, the 28/01/2017. So friends, try to realize why AIAPC should only be your own platform.


Saturday, 18 March 2017

Cadre Restructuring of Postmaster Cadre

Cadre Restructuring of Postmaster Cadre will be considered at last, i.e. after restructuring of every cadre: The Directorate reiterates it again in reply of our letter no. No. AIAPC-31/Corr/2016-17   Dated at Jaipur- 302003, the 28/01/2017. So friends, try to realize why AIAPC should only be your own platform.


Thursday, 16 March 2017

AIAPC Punjab Circle gave notice to Circle Office Chandigarh for afresh election

आल  इंडिया  एसोसिएशन  ऑफ़  पोस्ट्मास्टर  कैडर, पंजाब सर्कल
All India Association of Postmaster Cadre, Punjab Circle
कैंप: शाहपुर कंडी टाउनशिप,  Camp at: Shahpur Kandi Township
गुरदासपुर, पंजाब- १४५०२९, Gurdaspur, Punjab-145029
Mob: +91 9463453176, Ph: 01870263270, Website: aiapcpunjab.blogspot.in, email: aiapcpunjab@gmail.com.

No. AIAPC Punjab/Election/15/2016-2017      Dated at Shahpur Kandi Township the 15.03.2017


                Under provisions in Directorate No. 19-1/89-SR dated 20.01.1989 & further Circle Office Chandigarh’s letter No. Union/9-22/2016 dated 30.01.2017/21.02.2017, the undersigned do hereby notify the schedule for holding a fresh elections of Circle Body for All India Association of Postmaster Cadre at Conference Hall of Punjab School Education Board, near Sector-62 Post Office, Phase-8, Mohali at 1100 hours on 16.04.2017 (Sunday). The following agenda will be discussed during conference: -

1.            Conformation of minutes of previous circle conference held on 11.09.2016.
2.            Passing of expenditure after previous meeting.
3.            Election of new Office Bearers for new term.
4.            Any other agenda with permission of chair.

Copy to: -
1.       The Chief PMG, Punjab Circle, Chandigarh-17 w.r.t. letter No. Union/9-22/2016 dated 30.01.2017/21.02.2017 for information and request to kindly issue instruction(s) to all Divisional heads in Punjab Circle to grant Station Leave/own leave to all Postmasters Grade-I, II & III on submission of their individual applications.
2.         The PMG, Punjab West Region, Chandigarh-17 for information & with similar action,                please.
3.         Shri Balveer Singh General Secretary AIAPC, camp at Postmaster Grade-II, Jaipur City (Rajasthan)-302003 with request to attend and grace the meeting with his kind presence, please.
4.      All members of AIAPC Punjab Circle for information and with request to attend the meeting as per schedule.
5.         Office copy

BSNL offers 2GB data per day, unlimited calling for Rs 339

To counter threat from Reliance Jio, state-run telecom firm BSNL today launched a new plan that offers 2 GB of 3G data per day and unlimited calling within its network for Rs 339. 

"The benefits customer will get under the Combo STV (special tariff voucher) of Rs 339 are unlimited calls in BSNL network and unlimited data with fair use policy of 2 GB per day with validity of 28 days," BSNL said in a statement. 

The offer is limited for 90 days. 

Reliance Jio is offering 1GB of 4G data and unlimited calling to all network for free till March 31. From April 1 onward, Reliance Jio customers opting for Jio Prime service will get unlimited data and calls till March 31, 2018, for one time registration fee of Rs 99 and Rs 303 per month. 

BSNL said that the data of 2 GB per day is one of the best in the industry. 

"We are committed to providing affordable and efficient services to all segment of our loyal mobile customers. We offer best prices to our customers considering present trend of Indian telecom industry," BSNL Director for Consumer Mobility RK Mittal said. 

BSNL customers under the new scheme will also get 25 minutes of free call to other network everyday and after that they will be charged 25 paisa for minute long phone call.

Source : The Economic Times